‘Big box’, big ideas

Large format retail ‘boxes’ are the latest shopping format in need of a refreshed approach in light of declining sales and closing stores – and who better to explore this opportunity than our retail experts?

Buchan recently organised an internal competition to do just this, with responses spanning from creative to practical and everything in between, received from all corners of our global practice. Both standalone and shopping centre-integrated retail spaces were considered in the response, resulting in a diverse outcome with wide-ranging application.

The internal competition sparked lots of creative input from our junior, intermediate and senior staff; our graphics, interior design and architecture experts and has encouraged further research, thought leadership and collaboration in our studios.

We are superbly proud to announce that the Gold Coast studio’s full staff collaborative submission was the winning presentation; an animated proposal with tiered responses for regional, suburban and CBD located large format spaces.

We look forward to sharing more detail with you soon on the outtakes from our talented Buchaneers, but in the meanwhile check out a sneak peek of part of our winning entry.

